Bitsafe - новая платёжка adult friendly

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В 15.09.2023 в 18:04, Inessa сказал:

Я им пару раз писала , спрашивала есть ли новости . Вот , что сегодня пришло 

Может и правда cкоро заработает ))

Jesse Moore (Yoursafe)

Sep 15, 2023, 12:50 GMT+2

We greatly appreciate your email and your unwavering patience over the past few months.
We're happy to share with you – your Mastercard, currently in your possession,
will soon be reactivated within the next two weeks. 
Our dedicated team is diligently working behind the scenes
to ensure a swift reactivation process for each card. 
Rest assured, we will provide you with the precise date of reactivation
as we draw closer to this important milestone.
No action is required on your part in response to this email.
We assure you that we will keep you informed every step of the way.
In the meantime, you can continue to seamlessly transfer and receive funds.
To stay updated on all developments, please ensure that your Yourafe app
is up to date and linked to your account to receive timely notifications.
We appreciate your trust and patience as we work to enhance your banking experience.
Kind regards,
Yoursafe Support 



We have news!
A shiny new VISA card is on its way to you. You will receive an automated email on Monday the
9th of October asking you to please confirm your address in your Once this is
done a new card will be sent to you.
Please can we ask you to not respond to this email as all other information will be on the automated
email, and we have no additional information to give you at this time. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this frustrating period.
Kind regards,
Yoursafe Support 


вот такое письмо получила я сегодня

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2 минуты назад, hotTANJA сказал:

We have news!
A shiny new VISA card is on its way to you. You will receive an automated email on Monday the
9th of October asking you to please confirm your address in your Once this is
done a new card will be sent to you.
Please can we ask you to not respond to this email as all other information will be on the automated
email, and we have no additional information to give you at this time. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this frustrating period.
Kind regards,
Yoursafe Support 


вот такое письмо получила я сегодня


Ооо , наконец хорошие новости ) Мне ещё не пришла рассылка , но думаю - уже есть повод для радости ))

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Надо же,Виза ,не МК.

А я надеялась ,что реанимируют те карты, что были .

4 часа назад, hotTANJA сказал:

вот такое письмо получила я сегодня

Скажи пожалуйста , а старая карта когда была заказана ? 


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43 минуты назад, aurelia сказал:

Надо же,Виза ,не МК.

А я надеялась ,что реанимируют те карты, что были .

Скажи пожалуйста , а старая карта когда была заказана ? 

я заказала карту после тебя, середина июня.

А это я в понедельник получила

We have been issuing Bitsafe debit cards with the Mastercard
logo for a long time. While we already have new cards with
the Yoursafe logo, the old Bitsafe cards are still "out there"
and mostly likely in use by you.
The issuer on record (and principal member) with these
Mastercards is Payrnet UAB, a financial institution in Lithuania.
On June 23rd Payrnet UAB lost their license with the
central bank of Lithuania. That's why your card is currently
not working.
Please be assured that this has nothing to do with the funds in 
your Yoursafe account. They are secured at the European Central Bank.
As we are a financial institution ourselves we are currently
working with the card networks to ensure that you can use
your debit card again shortly.
We are getting close to a solution for this.
In a few days we expect some good news to share with you 
regarding the card in your possession.
Please bare with us and we will update you as soon as your card is available to swipe
and use for withdrawals again.
Of course you can still make transfers and receive funds
on your account and use iDEAL as payment mechanism
in the Netherlands.
Once we have re-activated your card again we will be sending you
an invitation for a free replacement of the card (with Yoursafe
logo) in the weeks to come.
We apologize for the temporary outage of these stack of cards.
We will update you actively once the card can be used again.
Kind regards,
Yoursafe Support

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17 минут назад, aurelia сказал:

а так ты заказала ,но не успела получить ? 


они мне написали в мае что отправили новую карту, и она будет йорсэйф. Но я получила  опять битсэйф карту.  В июне я получила карту, успела  даже снять деньги И через день уже всем заблокировали. А в июле у меня заканчивалась старая карта. Но в июле они сняли бабло за обслуживание

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11 минут назад, hotTANJA сказал:

они мне написали в мае что отправили новую карту, и она будет йорсэйф. Но я получила  опять битсэйф карту.  В июне я получила карту, успела  даже снять деньги И через день уже всем заблокировали. А в июле у меня заканчивалась старая карта. Но в июле они сняли бабло за обслуживание

Спасибо за подробный ответ ,теперь все более или менее ясно :baby:


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2 минуты назад, aurelia сказал:

Спасибо за подробный ответ ,теперь все более или менее ясно :baby:

А на прошлой недели писала им каждый день, никто не ответил. Зато в понедельник получила ответ, видать я их задолбала. Подождем 9 октября, может кто то еще получит какой-то ответ от них.

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5 минут назад, Inessa сказал:


Привет , что-то слышно там ? ))

пока ничего не слышно, но я им написала, ответили. Завтра напишу им опять. задолбали кормить завтраками. Кто-то получил еще от них письма?


Maria Zwart (Yoursafe)

Oct 9, 2023, 13:07 GMT+2

Thank you for your email. 
We believe the update will be sent this afternoon. 
Kind regards,
Yoursafe Suport 
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33 минуты назад, hotTANJA сказал:

получили емэйл от битсэйфа?




Dear Valued Customer,

We hope this message finds you well. At Yoursafe, we're committed to providing you with the best payment experience possible, and we have some important updates to share with you.

In the past, you were issued or requested a legacy Bitsafe Debit Card. Regrettably, the third-party financial institution associated with this card lost its license back in June. As a result, we informed you that the card could no longer be used. It could also be that your card expired in the meantime or that you requested a new card but never got it.

We understand the inconvenience this may have caused and have been working diligently to find a solution to get your card up and running again. However, due to the outdated chip and our former brand name on the card, we were unable to restore its functionality. Therefore, we kindly request that you safely destroy this card.

The good news is that we have successfully applied for Visa membership ourselves - and that we do not depend on third-party financial institutions anymore. As a result we are proud to present a brand new card: the Yoursafe Visa Card. 



To ensure you receive your new Yoursafe Visa Card promptly, we need your current address.

As a token of our appreciation for your patience, please provide us with your current address by October 31st and you will receive our exclusive offer:


Here's what you can look forward to:
•    Any paid annual fee this year will be refunded to your account.
•    You can use your Yoursafe Visa Card without paying the annual fee until December 31st, 2026.
•    We will send you the new card at no cost to you.
•    Any PIN changes are free of charge until November 30th.

At Yoursafe, your privacy is our priority. As part of our enhanced services, we no longer print your name on the card but instead use your new Alias Token. Alias Token is an innovative Yoursafe product that you can learn more about on our website.

If you prefer to have your name printed on the card, please reach out to our support department, and they will assist you with this customization.

We are excited about this opportunity to provide you with an improved payment experience, and we hope you'll enjoy using your new Yoursafe Visa Card.

To get started, simply visit and log in. In the web interface, you will find a request to complete your address information. It's as simple as that! Once we receive your address confirmation your card will be created and posted to you.

Thank you for choosing Yoursafe as your trusted financial partner. We look forward to serving you with excellence.

Best regards,

Yoursafe Customer Support



This email is a service from Yoursafe. Delivered by Zendesk


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13 минут назад, aurelia сказал:

ура! да ! 

ураааааа, а как вы думаете карту лучше с именем заказать или без имени? Я вчера и адресс подтвердила и спросила можно ли дхл заказать карту, жду ответа

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13 минут назад, hotTANJA сказал:

ураааааа, а как вы думаете карту лучше с именем заказать или без имени? Я вчера и адресс подтвердила и спросила можно ли дхл заказать карту, жду ответа

с имимнем лучше ( но я не увидела опции где есть без имени)

про дхл мне ппц обидно , до меня карты вообще никогда не доходят бесплатной почтой , именно поэтому заказываю экспресс всегда.

и чую мне придется опять оплачитвать , так как на сколько я понимаю доставку они предоставляют обычной почтой



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7 часов назад, Inessa сказал:

Так блять .. Я одна ничего не получила ? В спаме смотрела :(

а в сам акк заходила ? там запрос о подтверждении андресе не висит ? 


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10 минут назад, aurelia сказал:

а в сам акк заходила ? там запрос о подтверждении андресе не висит ? 

Заходила , там тоже ничего нет . Будем подождать , возможно они как-то порционно или вручную это всё делают :S

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